Win-Compilation December 2019

“I’t the most wonderful time of the year” again… These days, when new “WIN Compilation” videos go online! This time we’re a little shorter in duration but nevertheless October had some real gems in store. For the last regular of our videos this year we got 52 clips for you that make a full 9:29 minutes of high value entertainment.

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Curated by and wihel.

Originals can be found here:

1 . Beat It on FLOPPOTRON (via)
2 . ScienceFairBlindSpotMovie2019 (via)
3 . Guy Cheats At Swimming Race With Pal
4 . Playing Around With a Stack of Uncut Keys || ViralHog (via)
5 . Girl Loves Her New Ink || ViralHog
6 . “Happy ball want outside!” (via)
7 . Jingle Bells intro on Comb (via)
8 . Candy Shop Tiktok but it Gradually gets Bigger (via)
9 . Freeride MotoBASE Fun (via)
10 . De Californie, de Belgique, d’Allemagne, d’Angleterre … le Dragon a déplacé les foules. Près de 400 000 spectateurs étaient présents pour l’arrivée du #DragondeCalais. (via)
11 . Rocket League MOIMENTS 42
12 . World’s Best Card Stacker Builds Tallest Outdoor Card Tower – COOLEST THING I’VE EVER MADE-EP13 (via)
13 . Cute Baby Pineapple || ViralHog
14 . Woman in Santiago, Chile singing out her apartment window during mandatory curfew (via)
15 . Female Rugby Players Help Ambulance Stuck In Mud
16 . Bar installs 70+ Big Mouth Billy Bass fish to sing popular songs (via)
17 . New Formula 1 Pit Stop World Record (1.82s / Red Bull Racing / 2019 Brazilian GP) (via)
18 . Worlds smallest field goal. 8 inches wide 🙌🏼
19 . 1000 Mentos | Cool DIY Cardboard Toys (via)
20 . Nirvana – In Bloom – Drum Cover (via)
21 . 4 Best Match Stick Powered Cardboard Jet Experiment (via)
22 . Beluga Whale playing some rugby (via)
23 . 4 puppies walking to Bee Gees – Stayin’ Alive (via)
24 . Boy on a Bike has Great Balance || ViralHog (via)
25 . Catching a Cub || ViralHog (via)
26 . Cardistry in Taiwan | Amazing Card Tricks (via)
27 . Cows are just big dogs let’s be honest🐮
28 . Dog Riding In Car (via)
29 . Drone Animation in #China feels like Blade Runner and Ghost In The Shell
30 . Dryer Jingle Counterpoint
32 . for fun and flames (via)
33 . GANGSTA´S PARADISE (Coolio/Stevie Wonder) – Luca Stricagnoli (via)
34 . Cat Saves Toddler From Falling Down Stairs (via)
35 . Gol de Toño Rodríguez | Guadalajara 3 – 1 Veracruz | Liga BBVA MX – Apertura 2019 – Jornada 19
36 . I lost it when he licked his hand (via)
37 . I made an actual Drum Machine in Excel (via)
38 . Junger Mann hilft Biber beim Holz-Tragen (via)
39 . Linkin Park – In The End (Piano cover)
40 . Panoramic painting on a sphere (via)
41 . Older Couple Caught Being Cute || ViralHog (via)
42 . Parrot Pretends to be Dead When Its Human Fakes Gun Shot – 1074483 (via)
43 . Persistence of Pong (via)
44 . Rare Roll Cloud Stretches into Ocean || ViralHog (via)
45 . Saw the best dog costume ever today (via)
46 . Snowboarding during the night isnt too bad after all💁🏼‍♀️ (via)
47 . Tokyo Diabolo – Insanely Fast Diabolo Tricks (via)
48 . Trick 17: Mit Druckluft eine Mandarine schälen (via)
49 . World’s First Automatic Strike Bowling Ball
50 . When you find your inner Matt Nagy…🏈 (via)
51 . You know they be KILLING the 5 man weave during practice 😂 (via)
52 . EMINEM – but it’s JAZZ (Without Me) (via)

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